No 3D previews are allowed unless it is posted 'with' a flat version also.
1. All previews must be uploaded as attachments, no off-site links.
2. If you want people to comment on your WIP's, show a little respect and comment on the WIP's of others. If you're too busy to help someone else, don't expect any in return.
3. You may NOT post a WIP here, if you don't intend to post the final cover here.
4. Don't post finished work in here there is a Showcase forum for that.
5. Post a flat minimum pf 1000px and a maximum of 1200 pixel wide -- preview of your cover - example:
Last let a member of staff know when it's finished, just a quick post at the end of the thread will do, so it can be closed.
Also note threads left open for 30 days without an update from the thread starter, those will be moved to closed, if that happens to you but you want to continue a old closed WIP then just send a staff member a PM and they will re-open it for you.